Welcome to the &shift documentation !
Many powerful tools, one easy platform.
&shift is a internal communication automation tool, designed to create engagement while both monitoring and creating actions at the same time.
It's easy to use and integrated into your IT environment, with dedicated trackers and a rich set of API.
Here you'll find everything you need to use and master &shift.
To get started with &shift in 5 minutes, click here : Get started.
This section will explain how to import and manage Collaborators and Collaborator's Lists.
It will also describe the concept of Collaborator Activities.
&shift ships with a variety of built-in contents, providing editor for each to make your life easier.
You can create fancy E-Mails with the E-Mail builder, create customized Forms, and upload your Assets to share with your collaborators.
The core of &shift is in the campaign logic, enabling you to automate tasks based on the user behavior.
You will be able to create Campaigns visually using the campaign builder, and also create Change Management Programs to assemble multiple campaigns.
&shift provides a set of admin tools, to help you customize and use the patform.
You can definie your privacy options, collaborator management scenario and custom technical parameters for your Company.
An Integration Guide is also available, in HTML or PDF to heplp your IT implement &shift.
You will also be able to manage / create Users within your company.